Monday, February 22, 2016

OT: How Black and Gold Represent Pittsburgh's Major Sport Teams

As you can tell from those who have visited my blog, and for people who have known me most of my life, Pittsburgh sports teams play a major impact.  When achieving the outcome of my blog, I wanted to be able to utilize the color scheme of the teams Pittsburgh represents.

How does black and gold achieve inspiration of that goal?

Wherever you go, whether it be in the United States or around the world, most people understand that black and gold are synonymous with Pittsburgh Sports.  I remember one time wearing a Steelers jersey in the Outer Banks, and an employee from our hotel restaurant shouting, "Are you from Pittsburgh?!" By all three major sport teams in Pittsburgh using the same color scheme, it allows the people of Pittsburgh to galvanize with our city and cheer on our teams.;_ylt=AwrBT4GmV8tW9UAAeI1XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTE0bG82MGM5BGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQTAyMDBfMQRzZWMDcGl2cw--?p=Pittsburgh+skyline+in+black+and+gold&fr=yfp-t-201&fr2=piv-web#id=16&

OT: Georgia Font

I am bombarded with texts in my day-to-day life being a communications major.  So when I was assigned the blog project, I wanted to find a font that wasn't boring or typically used.  I went through the advanced settings of blogger and found the font of Georgia.  I feel that the Georgia font allows for easy readability, and a more unique style compared to something we see everyday like Times New Roman.  Furthermore, I feel that not only does my blog stand out with a non-generic font, but I believe that other designers using this font by creating billboards, magazine ads, the font for a novel, etc., will allow them to stand out from their other competitors.
