Tuesday, March 1, 2016

OT: Chalkduster Font

I was messing around on my word document to figure out a topic for a typographic post.  I came across a cool font which is called Chalkduster.  Now, I wouldn’t use this type of font for a paper to submit to my professor, but I would definitely consider using it for an InDesign project or Photoshop project.  It is very unique and has a flair to it that many fonts don’t have.  Even though it is a san serif font, to me, it isn't very legible, but to use this font for a brief slogan on a billboard would be very effective.

Credit: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjdKoB77stvGX0YVC3ZksHWZ3dbU752bTLzJ54jix62MOZAne-AiKBGhjudNJiSdoLJIGGKa9zHTNQ5l6slYViuFgbrT1-4W1VngqzTBFfmObrsc1azxwg8s8zca3alUOjQsWOn7q86t4E/s1600/chalk+duster.jpg

Credit: https://alexrister1.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/chalkduster.jpg


OT: Photography in a Blog

One thing I thought of while putting together my blog, was the desire to incorporate more of my own photos.  While you are able to incorporate them in certain locations, I would prefer to be able to utilize more of my photography in the Blogger background.  While words are obviously important in a blog, photos are able to create depth and uniqueness to one’s blog.  I enjoy photography immensely, and would like to continue my craft in that area after I graduate.  

Photo Credit: Myself

Photo Credit: Myself

Photo Credit: Myself

Photo Credit: Myself